a Journey to Bintan, Bumi Segantang Lada

Saturday, September 30, 2017

What first come to mind when hearing the name of Bintan? Some people will probably answer bauxite. It is true. Bintan Island is one of the bauxite producing regions in Indonesia. Geographically, Bintans position is strategic because it is close to Singapore and Malaysia. All three are designated as golden triangle which is the center of economic development in ASEAN.

Bintan region consists of hundreds of large and small islands scattered in the waters of the South China Sea. No wonder when finally the nickname of Bumi Segantang Lada (Pepper Sprinkled Land) pinned on Bintan. Because the sprinkling of the island is like a jumble of pepper. In addition to being known as a bauxite-producing region, Bintan is also awarded a stunning landscape. 


Trikora Beach is one of Bintan Islands mainstay tourism. Its charm extends along 25 km on the east side of the largest island in Riau Islands Province. The sand is white and smooth with turquoise water. Not to mention the natural stones are large, reminding me of the location filming Laskar Pelangi on the island of Belitung.

 Trikora Beach

According to local peoples story, this Trikora name comes from a foreign tourist who visited this beach decades ago. Because the foreigner did not know the area he visited, he asked one of the citizens who happened to meet him.It was unknown what he asked, which obviously contained the words three corals. Feeling strange with the words three coralsthe citizen then spread the word three coralsto other residents. Due to wrong pronunciation, finally the word three coralsturned into Trikora. 

Another version mentions that the name of Trikora Beach is connected with Tri Komando Rakyat which was echoed by the proclaimer, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno, in connection with Indonesias confrontation with Malaysia in 1961. Backed by Indonesias disagreement with a merger plan between Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak by the British colonials. At that time the Riau Islands became the largest marine defense base. And it seems this version is more widely embraced, because it is considered more having the spirit of nationalism. 

Apart from the different versions of the origin of the name Trikora, the beach is located in Malang Rapat Village, Gunung Kijang District that still has its own charm which is hard to miss its beauty.

Read more about TRIKORA


 Plaza Lagoi

In the past, Lagoi was known as an elite and exclusive area. The ranks of luxury resorts lining up along the beach seemed to reinforce the impression. Coupled with a golf course that is recognized as the best in Southeast Asia, and a variety of water sports games that are all charged with dollars, the impression of luxury is increasingly indisputable. However, since Plaza Lagoi was inaugurated in mid-2015, the Lagoi area seemed to open up. As a tourist spot, the area of Lagoi is said to be complete. The combination of white sandy beach and beautiful lawns make this area as one of the favorite places for residents to enjoy the weekend.

 Lagoi Beach

Not only the beach, here there is also an artificial lake which beauty makes us reluctant to go away. Most fun to enjoy this lake in the morning at around 7 to 9, or late afternoon before sunset.

Read more about LAGOI


Ironman 70.3 is sport tourism in the form of triathlon that combines pool, bicycle, and running sports. The event was held again in Bintan last August. Bintan Island is one of Indonesias prima donnas in terms of sport tourism. This year it was the second time Ironman 70.3 was held in Bintan. 

The number 70.3 refers to the number of miles traveled by athletes. They swim 1.2 miles (1.9 kilometers) at sea for a start. Then, the athletes cycled as far as 56 miles (90 km) on the streets of Bintan. And ended up running 3 laps as far as 21 Km.The Ironman 70.3 event is centered on Plaza Lagoi which is the center of tourism development. This spot is located in Lagoi Bay which is included in Bintan Resorts. Ironman 70.3 this year encompassed many participants from the 2016 Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. This is because Bintan and Hawaii have similar landscapes. 


Crystal Lagoon in the area of Treasure Bay is also one of the favorite tourist options in Bintan. Crystal Lagoon is the largest marine swimming pool in Southeast Asia. The extent reaches 6.3 hectares with a length of up to 800 meters.

 Enjoy at Trasure Bay

Crystal Lagoon is made as similar as possible with the beach. Complete with white sand beaches and smooth around it. The green water of Tosca will surely tempt anyone to swim. Truly a giant pool of beach flavors.In addition to swimming, we can also try various rides games in this giant pool. Such as stand-up paddle, kayak, water sport park, aquaglide sailboat, bumper boat, or round the pool using solar-powered vessels.

Read more about Treasure Bay


Pulau Beralas Pasir (Sand Grounded Island) or now better known as White Sands Island is one of the many interesting islands to visit in Bintan. White Sands Island name was just started pinned since the island is officially managed by PT. Indobintan Trijaya in September 2015 ago. And it seems, it is not excessive if this island bears the name of White Sands Island. Because the sand is white and clean. But honestly, for business names, I prefer the name Pulau Beralas Pasir. Sounds more Indonesian.

 Kayak at White Sands Island

Pulau Beralas Pasir can be reached for approximately 10 minutes using a speedboat from Trikora Beach. This small island provides a variety of facilities that can make visitors feel at home. In addition to canoes, there are also banana boats, swings, hammocks, beach volleyball courts, and snorkeling equipment rentals. White Sands Island is also home to turtle nesting. At night the turtles often come to lay their eggs. By the manager, the eggs are then caged for protection. After hatching and about two weeks old, the hatchlings are released back into their habitat.


The atmosphere on Pulau Beralas Pasir makes feeling at home, even to just laze to enjoy the breeze in one of the swings provided. If still comfortable and reluctant to go home, spending the night here is welcomed.

Well, do not wait too long. Lets go to Bumi Segantang Lada!

Read more about White Sands Island

Note: This article was published on XPress Air Inflight Magazine, September 2017 edition. 

 XPress Air - September 2017

 Proud to be part of contributor

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22 komentar

  1. halo mbaa salam kenal, seneng banget ternyata mba dian follow IG-ku dan pas liat web mba aku merasa perlu banyak belajar dari mba dian. Dan ini pulau bintan salah satu angan-anganku bisa traveling kesana ;) terimakasih mbaa sudah follow IGku :)

    1. Halo mbak.. Salam kenal juga. Makasih udah singgah di sini ya 😊 Hehehe saya juga masih belajar kok ini, mbak..

      Yuk, main ke Bintan.. 😊

  2. ya ampun bintan ternyata bagus baget yah...
    gak kalah dari Bali lho....
    aku belom pernah ke sini :(

    1. Iya mbak, di Bintan banyak tempat wisata yang keceh..

  3. Mupeng mau ke Bintan juga, Mbak Di. Aku naksir sama pasir putihnya, huhuhu.

    1. Yuk sini, Dew.. Pasirnya putih, ada batu2 besar juga kayak di Belitung..

  4. Very nice and complete review kak....

  5. lalu aku bengong bacanya, ini bahasa inggris semua :D

    1. Masih bagus abis bengong trus komen.. 😂😂😂

  6. Suhuuuu. Foto-fotonya kece, nulisnya bahasa Bule. Aku mesti bisa main ke Bintan ini nanti!


    1. Ayo ke Bintaaaaan... Banyak tempat keceh di sini..

  7. wah ini tulisan yang jalan2nya disponsori staf kampretpar ya ?

  8. Waaah, keren tulisannya mba Dian udah go internesyonel. Bintan emang cakep abis, super duper deh buat Bintan.

    1. Hehehe semoga bisa go internesyonel beneran ya 😁😁
      Iyah, Bintan emang cakep. Tiap kesana, rasanya adaaaaa aja yg baru yaa

  9. wahhh, tulisan keminggris, kereeeen

    1. Hehehe satu-satunya tulisan keminggris di blog niih 😁😁

  10. Wah keren, tulisannya bahasa Inggris. Bagi resep dong!

    1. Mau resep apa bang? Nasi goreng? Atau ayam kecap? 😛

  11. Aku pernah punya planning mau liburan ksana mba. Trutama lagoi yg bikin aku tertarik dan pgn ngerasain nginep di luxurious resortnya :D. Semua review yg kbnyakan foreigners pd bilang perfect tempatnya :D.

  12. Well written mba Dian.. Ah how i miss Lagoi Beach and Treasure Bay in Bintan. Make time holiday bareng yuk mba.
